3 Types of Stress


If you’re reading this post, you’re probably thinking “3 types of stress? Child, I can give you more than 3!” Stress is something that is ever present in our lives. Whether you experience stress at work, home, school, in social situations, or even in the line at the grocery store, know that stress is a normal part of our lives. However, as a Licensed Professional Counselor, I believe it’s so important to know when stress can be helpful and when it might be time to pause and take a deep breath. In the world of mental health, we point to three types of stress to help clients better understand their lives and overall, their wellness.  


Acute Stress: As the most common type of stress, acute stress can be found in every corner of our daily routines. From picking up the kids at school, worrying about a meeting with your boss, or the amount of emails piling up in your inbox, acute stress comes from everyday demands and pressures of life. However, acute stress can be our friend! Ever feel like you get your best work done under pressure? Well, that’s just your buddy acute stress lighting a metaphorical fire under your booty! (Procrastinators unite!) And while acute stress can be helpful in a bind, too much can be utterly exhausting as evidenced by continued emotional distress, body aches and pains, tummy woes, high blood pressure, dizziness, and shortness of breath.


Episodic Acute Stress: So let’s say that you’ve become too comfortable with our motivative friend, acute stress. That’s when big sibling, Episodic Acute Stress comes into play…“Houston, we have a problem.” The trick with this type of stress is that it is often self-inflicted through unrealistic and unreasonable demands that pile up in one’s life and becomes overwhelming. Symptoms of episodic acute stress tend to be: feeling over stimulated, verbally snapping at others and having a short temper, feeling increasingly uneasy or tense, and experiencing anxious thoughts.


Chronic Stress: Unlike the previous two forms of stress, Chronic Stress is a day-to-day heavy and grinding stress that has no end in sight. People who experience this type of stress can often feel not just overwhelmed, but hopeless. Studies show that this type of stress often stems from trauma that one has experienced in their life and can also shape one’s personality and overall outlook on life. This type of stress is not easily recognizable in the same way that acute stress is and can ultimately lead to poor physical health, interpersonal violence, and even suicide* ideation.


If you can relate to any of these forms of stress and you’d like to put tools into action for your wellness in therapy, let’s talk. Send me a text or call today and let’s put your mental health first, together.


Visit my website to find out more about the type of therapy I do in Fort Collins and online in Colorado at www.axiscounseling.com


Adam-Jon Aparicio, LPC



Axis Counseling, PLLC




*If you or a friend is experiencing suicidal thoughts call 1-800- 273-8255 or visit www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org